We all had a great time Halloween Day! Both staff and residents participated in dressing up. It was great to see the fun costumes and the time that was put into them!
In the afternoon residents did a variety of Halloween word games, along with their go-to favorite board game Rumikub!
Late afternoon came and you could see and feel the excitement from the residents waiting.
Here come the pretty princesses, unicorns, scary wolves, monsters and more!
Each month we do something to give back to our community. This month we decided to make a donation to the Richland/Wilkin Food Pantry! With everyone’s help we were able to donate 64.5 pounds of items!
We want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who brought their kids or grand kids to see us! Also to everyone who donated candy, to all the staff that helped make the night go smooth and keep the candy buckets full!